Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ax with his keys/synth will featuring on DEAD EYES GLOW new single!

Ax from MASSACRE CONSPIRACY will be featuring DEAD EYES GLOW's new album "Our Glorified Ocean and Blood". Now the vocal tracking will be continue in this Sunday night at The Band Shop studio

For the band information, visit or check out Dead Eyes Glow's facebook

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Silent Death are back

Now, after nearly 12 years, Silent Death again but with a new spirit. Usaha STONE untuk mengumpul semula semua anggota asal adalah agak sukar dan hampir tidak realistik. STONE efforts to collect back all the original members are quite difficult and is not realistic. STONE akhirnya tekad menemui kawan baik lamanya, JOE SLAUGHTER (ex-gitaris Sil Khannaz) yang kebetulan tidak lagi aktif bermain muzik sejak 2007. STONE determination finally found a good friend ever, JOE Slaughter (ex-guitarist Sil Khannaz) the coincidence is no longer actively playing music since 2007. JOE SLAUGHTER yang sebelum ini pernah membantu SILENT DEATH di awal kemunculan, tanpa teragak-agak menyatakan persetujuan untuk menghidupkan kembali SILENT DEATH. JOE Slaughter who has previously helped in the early emergence of Silent Death, without hesitation agreed to revive Silent Death. Bersama-sama, mereka mula mencari pemain dram yang sesuai sebelum dipertemukan semula dengan OLLIE baru-baru ini. Together, they began searching for a suitable drummer before dipertemukan back with Ollie recently. Maka, terimalah line-up SILENT DEATH 2010 samada anda suka atau tidak. Then, take line-up Silent Death in 2010 whether you like it or not. STONE tidak lagi mahu membuang masa. STONE no longer want to waste time. Perancangan demi perancangan disusun untuk mengembalikan zaman kegemilangan SILENT DEATH. Planning for the plan designed to restore the golden age of Silent Death.Sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat! Together we wait and see!

Stone (Bass/Vocal)
Eddie (Drums)
Joe Slaughter (Guitars)
Matt (Guitars)

Official Silent Death's Myspace page

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ballad For Layla released new single album "Trudy Trueblood"

"Trudy Trueblood" single album has released. You can download this song and click this

Also watch this video